illustration purposes only



Those who regularly work with impregnated, pre-compressed joint sealing tapes made of PUR foams know that their expansion behaviour strongly depends on the ambient climate and the tapes' own temperature. ISO-TOP CLEANEX can have a positive influence on the expansion behaviour and significantly cut expansion time.

At high temperatures and high air humidity, impregnated and pre-compressed PUR joint sealing tapes generally expand quickly enough. If temperatures fall to below +15 °C, expansion starts to slow down. At processing temperatures below 5 °C, the tapes expand extremely slowly, which can lead to long waiting times and undesirable delays during window installation.


In the past, attempts have usually been made to increase the tape temperature in order to avoid this. Known methods are the use of an industrial hot-air blower to heat the PUR joint sealing tapes or spraying the tapes with hot water to ensure joints are sealed more quickly. However, both these variants have decisive disadvantages.


Any industrial hot-air blowers used should feature digital temperature setting, because if a temperature of +80 °C is exceeded, there is a risk of the pre-compressed joint sealing tape becoming damaged. Apart from this, expansion still takes a long time despite the hot-air blower, and has to be carried out in sections. To speed up expansion behaviour using water spray, hot water is required, which is often not available on construction sites. In addition, the temperature of the building should not be below +5 °C.


Practice shows that these two methods of speeding up expansion can only be used to a limited extent and with care, and that the desired time-saving effect is not achieved in many cases.


The expansion accelerator ISO-TOP CLEANEX has a much better, more straightforward and more reliable influence on expansion behaviour, since it can be used quickly and effectively, irrespective of the temperatures of the building and outdoor temperatures. In other words, even at temperatures below freezing.


The surface of the PUR joint sealing tapes is dampened with a fine atomised spray directly after fitting at the construction joint. It is important that this is carried out in one single flowing movement. Adjacent surfaces of construction elements and walls should be covered or masked for protection. Expansion of the joint sealing tapes begins directly after the atomised spray has been applied. With this installation advantage, ISO-TOP CLEANEX makes life easier for installers on the construction site, particularly in the cold months.


As well as working as an expansion accelerator, ISO-TOP CLEANEX can also be used for cleaning the inside of PUR foam can guns and removing soiling caused by PUR foam on various metal, plastic and wooden surfaces.


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