

Energy efficiency and long-term increase in value


Old buildings are sought after, which makes their refurbishment necessary. To make sure the building not only looks good to live in, we make sure it feels good too. Quite often, large amounts of warm air are lost, a fact that is reflected in high heating bills. For this reason, our focus is on sealing dilapidated building joints, thus increasing energy-related aspects long-term and helping to preserve the building.


The advantages are obvious:

  • lower heating costs
  • no draughts
  • thermal insulation and cosiness
  • no condensation, no mould formation
  • increase in value
  • environmental consciousness
  • proof of Building Energy Act requirements



Building refurbishment and listed buildings

When listed buildings are refurbished, their appearance and basic historical structure must be retained to a major extent. What is difficult is the combination of high energy-related requirements with functionality, ability to absorb movement and reliable processing of the material. Special ISO sealing systems allow building joints to be refurbished professionally.

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