Sealing between lightweight metal elements
Measures for reducing energy costs are an economical aspect which must mainly be considered when planning industrial and commercial buildings. Thus reliable joint sealing is a central issue where the requirements of special construction elements in lightweight metal constructions are concerned. Our products are subject to the stringent rules of the new Building Energy Act (EnEV was valid 31.10.20) as well as the IFBS directive.
Building Energy Act
Minimum thermal insulation requirements
The new Building Energy Act (EnEV was vaild 31.10.20) further reinforced the requirements for an airtight building shell. New buildings must be executed in such a way that the heat-conducting enclosure surface including the joints is sealed permanently air impermeable.
IFBS directive
Airtightness even where different elements are used
The Industrieverband für Bausysteme im Metallleichtbau (IFBS) (industrial association for construction systems in lightweight metal construction) demands special sealing of the construction joints in metal and steel halls. Air tight levels are to be continued beyond element and construction section boundaries.
The technical regulations required by the Building Energy Act (EnEV was valid 31.10.20) are defined as follows:
- space-enclosing structures must be air impermeable and
- resistant to driving rain as well as have
- thermal, sound, humidity and fire protection properties.
"Sandwich demo house"*
The "sandwich demo house" is a research building which has been created to test and optimise metal lightweight construction systems. The main objectives are measurement of air impermeability and physical investigations. Improvements in thermal insulation capability and sound-related properties can be tested directly at the building.
ISO-Chemie delivered the sealing tapes and profile fillers used at the research building. We thus made an important contribution to the creation of the research building, at the same time proving how well our system components work.
* The "sandwich demo house" is a joint project between the chair in steel and lightweight metal construction at the RWTH Aachen and the Industrieverband für Bausysteme im Metallleichtbau (IFBS).